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Thursday 25th of January at 19:30 UK TIME
Been rejected time and time again? Well, that's because you have a 1% chance of securing a job using a job search website. Find out what you should be doing instead.
I'm going to give you a step-by-step framework to follow that will help you generate a pipeline of interviews in other industries.
Learn how to get other industries to take your Retail experience seriously in order to secure better working conditions without sacrificing your good retail salary.
Cant Attend Live? Register and I’ll Email You a Replay Link After the Live Event
If you’re feeling burnt out from the lack of work-life balance, flexibility, and job satisfaction in Retail, then my Retail Escape Masterclass is a must-watch for you. As an expert in helping Retail Managers land new careers in completely different industries, I’ll show you how to make a successful career change without relying on ineffective job search websites or taking a pay cut.
Even if you have only ever worked in Retail or do not have experience in other fields or a network of contacts, I’ll reveal how you can still secure a job in a completely different industry.
Join me on my Retail Escape Masterclass to discover the steps you need to take in order to make a career change this year. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn the secrets of a successful career change.
In 2018, I was done with Retail. Fed up in a career that offered no flexibility or work-life balance. I felt burnt out always being expected to be available 24/7. Every passing year my job satisfaction diminished due to the constant store cuts and unachievable expectations. I was determined to do something about the voice in my head questioning “was there more to life than Retail?”.So I hit the job search websites and applied for hundreds of jobs in other industries. How many did I hear back from? Zero!
I was about to give up, feeling trapped by my salary, lack of career ideas, and only having “Retail Store Manager” experience plastered across my CV/Resume. I felt like maybe I was destined for a life in Retail.
After 6 months of trial and error and striving to learn more about what it took to successfully change careers, I finally managed to escape retail and secure a career in a completely different industry, working in a job that gave me an amazing work-life balance and even securing a pay rise.
Over the last few years, I have fine-tuned this strategy into a step-by-step process so that others don’t have to go through the pain and wasted time trying to figure it all out for themselves. I am providing the support I wish I had when I first started out, to help others escape their career rut and find a new and fulfilling career path.
Cant Attend Live? Register and I’ll Email You a Replay Link After the Live Event